These are just a very few. I will add more as they come in! Please note: they are dated in reverse. Newest ones scroll down. When I get a chance, I will fix it! So I decided to start from 2022!
January 2022 Hi Judy We received Fergus’ registration papers yesterday. Thanks for sending them. Fergus is thriving and has turned out to be quite a calm puppy. I think Finnigan has been a good role model for him. The two have become friends and Fergus adores Finn. Finnigan is still doing well (no meds at all) and actually roughhouses with Fergus in the back yard. He turns fourteen on St. Patrick’s Day. We hope all is well with and that you were able to get your knee surgery. Deb
Nov. 5, 2012 Judy: Here is one from Christmas last year. He is the best dog I ever had, better than the previous female I got from you previously. He still doesn’t like a cage or kennel but other than that he is fantastic. He is 6 now and our daughter is 4 so I worry about when he gets older. I will need to come and see you again in the next 2 years so while I know you are cutting back please know how much I value the great job you do. RIP Skylon Quincy McGuire "Maguire"  Well Judy, it is with the heaviest of hearts that I write to you our last update, and that is we had to say good-bye to Maguire on June 30, 2011. He was just 3months shy of his 14th birthday and our hearts are still heavy with him not here. I know people say their dog is the best, but Maguire really was. Our family is so sad without our buddy here but we know he is in a better place...the rainbow bridge. I am so thankful we came across your kennel way back when, for your best pal, Sugarbush, gave us our best pal, Maguire. We made sure his last few days with us were his best ever!!! We made a nice stepping stone with his pawprint, that his boys decorated. We took Maguire for ice cream to celebrate the boys passing grades & we had a "camp out" & slept in sleeping bags with Maguire on the floor the night before we had to say good-bye. The one thing Maguire loved to do was rip wrapping paper off gifts, so that week we also wrapped a bunch of stuff up and let him do his stuff! Gosh, this was by far the hardest thing we have ever had to do and it broke all our hearts, our 7yr old especially. Being I work from home, I miss his presence the most, he was so friendly, warm, gentle, a great protector with an abundance of unconditional love always! We all miss his presence and companionship and have decided that spring will be a good time to welcome a new addition to our family...hope this pup knows it will have some big "paws" to fill:) Thank you for providing us and so many other families with a best friend/pal! Sincerely, golden retriever lovers forever Michelle, Tim, Ty & Tate Brenner RIP Skylon Quincy McGuire "Maguire" Oct. 1st 1997 - June 30th 2011 Oct. 1st 1997 - June 30th 2011 
We have had 2 wonderful Skylon dogs. Ginger (1981-1994) and Jenny (1994-2008) Jenny slipped away (with us holding her) on March 2 after 14 healthy, happy years. She was one of the most beautiful, sweet tempered dogs I have ever seen. Her gentle disposition and enthusiasm for life, endeared her to all who had the privilege of knowing her. Her passing has left a huge hole in our hearts and our lives but our memories will last forever. I thank you for sharing these two spectacular creatures with us.  Hi Judy,
Thanks for the registration papers for Finley. I have been meaning to write you for quite some time to tell you how well Finley is doing but never seem to get around to it. He is a fantastic dog and we are very satisfied.
He and Duncan continue to get along really well and Duncan has, I think, been very helpful in helping him be calm in the house. He is very good and really has been in no trouble. He sleeps in my room with Duncan and the only time we have to use the crate is during the day if we go out and leave the dogs behind. He and Duncan get to the big leash free park on the lake near the Mississauga/Oakville border once or twice a day for about an hour. Finley has helped to pick Duncan up enough that that amount of exercise does not appear to much for him and for Finley it is a chance to run and play we lots of new friends he has made. I have had him in to the school already to meet the kids and he was a club mascot at a couple of regattas this summer. He also spent some time with me in the coach boat helping to coach some of the crews at the club.
He has a voracious appetite but we are resticting his caloric intake as per your feeding instructions. He is lean and muscular looking and the vet says he is growing very well. He loves his food and his treats - chicken thighs, backs or necks and some green - broccoli, cauliflower, carrots etc. Unlike Duncan who watches us eat our dinner with hopeful eyes hoping we save some for him, Finley usually is asleep at our feet when we eat.
At this point he is about 6 1/2 months old. He is quite a tall little boy and I think he will end up being a very big dog which is fine with us. He has quite a personality and seems to win everyone over with his affectionate and playful nature. I am quite pleased with his progress in the obedience training we have done to date.
I have enclosed some photos for you. I must admit that I am not the best photographer and, this being our third golden, we are probably not taking as many photos as we did with the first two just because we have been through it before. I guess we are too busy living in the moment and enjoying our time with both dogs to remember to take photos sometimes. Anyway here are some of what we have taken recently. Enjoy.
Hope all is well with you, your family and your dogs. We'd love to bring Finley up for a visit at some point if you'd like to see him.
We will name him SKYLON OZZY AMBROSE.
He is so calm and collected, he is great with the kids, he has been inside with us and has only barked to go out and go potty! He is very good! I am currently at work with him, he is doing great! I have a nice sized office and he has been at my feet all morning! I think he may be my new best friend and the kids will just have to deal with it. Anyway I will get a check out tonight and try to get you a tracking ID so you can now when to expect delivery!
Anyway I have pictures and will get them to you tomorrow! I could not be any happier with the choice you made for us!
PS I will take him to the IABCA dog show in June on the 28-29. I don't know much about it but Diane is going to help me and she thinks it will be great for the entire family to get involved, so I will keep you posted on this!
THANKS SO MUCH!!!! Sophie is still the love of our lives and a great joy to us. She has become such an important part of our family - the princess - and has "people" to care for her every need and desire. She has a full range of vocabulary and can be vocal to let us know it is time for food, walking or grooming. Her coat is changing slightly to a bit more gold but she is still very light in colour. and very beautiful. So many stop us on our daily walks to pat and say how beautiful she is. She has an amazing love for people, other dogs and as all Goldens - tummy love. The 80 year old crossing guard at the local school looks for her daily to have a bit of a pat and give her a cookie. She is still very gentle and loves her creature comforts as you said she would. Have attached a picture. She bounded across the yard right after the shot to chase the squirrels up the trees. She patrols the yard frequently. Hallowe'en morning she thought the big squirrel should have run but she got a face full of skunk. For many days none of us were socially acceptable, even after repeat treatments. Hope this finds you well, busy and still making families happy with your Goldens.  hi judy. jill hollowell and wally (naught-to-worry wally) here. just thought you might like some photos of my baby boy as he'll be turning 3 tomorrow :) this photo is from his bday party today at work :) thanks again for the perfect dog....we're all so in love :) more photos to come.
Jill Hollowell Hard to believe Tara's 5 months old today. She sure as grown and as turned out to be THE best pup! Everyone loves to see her when we go for our walks. They think that she's so calm and has a perfect disposition.
Take care,
Just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.
Susanna is doing fine no more health problems, Whisper is still hanging in there she does have arthritis but still manages to get up and down the stairs also is still very much the boss.
Pearl, is a joy, loves to clime (part monkey). Loads of character and plays with Susanna all the time they are inseparable. I am attaching a picture of Pearl.

Linda has purchased & foster's many of my dogs in the past and present. Whisper was fourteen in September!
Received January 2, 2013 from Barb Haunton: Hi Judy, We hope you had a nice Christmas! Wendy is doing great! She is such a kind and gentle soul. Here is a picture of her in the snow. The girls and I enjoy looking at your website and following all your updates. Happy New Year! Wendy was purchased as an adult! Hi Judy
Just thought I would send you a couple of photo's of the girls. They were taken in the summer on the beach near us. First one is Lucy, Rouge behaving themselves and Dixie enjoying herself at her favorite past time - digging. The next one I thought was really good of Rouge. The dogs are a joy to have.
I was looking at your web site and you have some really beautiful looking dogs.
Hope you had a good Christmas and have a happy and successful New Year.
Les and Sandra Mellows
These are three girls that were originally in their foster homes which is now their forever homes! Hi Judy;
I hope you are well. I saw a photo of Dover on your website and I just wanted to send you a photo of Hudson for you to send to Dover’s owners. Hudson was from Dover’s first litter. I wanted you both to see what handsome boy he has grown too, with Gulliver and Dover as parents.
He is a wonderful boy.
Thank you
Hi Judy, Just wanted to let you know that Reese passed away peacefully today. He would have been 14 on April 11th. He was a wonderful, loving dog and will be missed by everyone in the family,(especially Hudson, who is 12.) I have sent a few recent pictures. Wendy

Reese is on the right & Hudson on the left.
Hi Judy, I just wanted to let you know that Dickens passed away this weekend unfortunately. He was the best friend I could have ever wanted because of where he came from. You have amazing dogs and when I am ready I will definitely contact you again. I am not sure if I want a puppy or an older dog again. Thank you again.
I just wanted to send you some other pictures of the best dog in the world. Thanks again for breeding these dogs and keep working at it. I think everyone should have owned a Golden once in their lives. They really are the best temperamental dogs around. I love Skylon and your Dogs!
Dickens would have been 13 in July. Hi Judy-
We received Berkley's papers and your note asking for an update. Thank you for the papers and your interest!
He is a wonderful lad! He is very sweet and well socialized and physically he is healthy and strong. His temperament is just what I was looking for when I asked for a mellow but curious pup. When he plays he is full of life and joy but when it is time to calm down he can transition to a mellow state very easily. He has integrated into our family life with joy and ease and my children adore him.
He comes to the office with me every day and is a big hit with both customers and employees. Very often I am asked how I got such a calm and sweet puppy. I usually answer that it is a combo of nature and nurture.
I take him out in the woods for exercise at least once a day (usually twice) and he has two best dog friends, Marley (8 month female Golden) and Maci (10 months female Sheltie). Both of these dogs love going out in the woods with him. I occasional get him together with his Aunt Zoe. She isn't great with other dogs but he has learned how to behave around her and they get along fairly well given her general disinterest of other dogs. He has been through Basic Obedience and was a star pupil. Between your careful breeding (nature) and my efforts to exercise and socialize (nurture) we have an absolute gem of a dog, a true and worthy heir to his uncle Bentley and I can't thank you enough for thought and care you put into him.
Warm regards,
Scott Sullivan  Berkley is a really fine looking boy & I still have a sister available!
Thanks for sending Great Sifon's papers. He is doing great!
Tomorrow he has scheduled his first vaccination (with us), as recommended.
As for how is he doing, he is kind and warm to all family members and is constantly seeking for affection. Training wise, he has learned to do all his needs in our backyard. He has lately got into the habit of barking in front of the backyard door so someone lets him out. He comes back all preppy because he did his business by himself and we provide him a small treat. He is a happy guy in the snow as well, and is very cute to see him playing in the snow hills from our home.
GoodMorning Judy Puppy is fitting in beautifully ! We love her ! She is so sweet ,and so smart. And we did change her name... if you haven't sent in her papers yet... he new name is Skylons Galway Olivia. She just didn't look like a Fallon when we got her home. She slept from 12 am to 6 am the first night, and has been sleeping 10pm to 6 am since, I am so impressed with her ! . My Vet said she is beautiful ! Wonderful bone structure! The fecal results should be back today. I will let you know if they find anything. Deby
He is a perfect boy - no accidents on the plane or in the airports. He has so far been to my office yesterday and today he came to the hair salon with me - most are dog people and they LOVED him. He just sat quietly on my lap throughout the entire appointment. He seems to enjoy being in the car (or so it seems) in his small carry on crate which he will grow out of very quickly. Guess we'll go shopping on the weekend..... We'll check in a day or two. Yes, we can't keep her out of the pool. She jumps in all the time. Good thing it is shallow on both ends because she likes to get in and walk around in the shallow end of each side of the pool. Bear got in with her yesterday and he was laying in the pool while she was romping around in it. It was so cute. Loving her to death. Charity in her new home less than a week! She is not used to the heat! Thank goodness there is a pool!
Hi Judy,
Thought I would send you a recent picture of Harley in last week's snowstorm. He loves the snow.
He will be 7 this summer (August 14). He is still in great shape.. although he has turned into a talker and thinks (knows ��) he rules the roost.
A great dog.
Just wanted to send you an update from Calgary about our wonderful dog Bella who is now 71/2 years old.
She has a wonderful life enjoying Calgary and our cottage in Fernie. As you can see by the pictures, she is having fun and is often the centre of attention. She loves people and all animals.
My boys are now away at University and she misses them greatly. When they return for visits, she gives them a bit of a cold shoulder, then she forgives them for being away and then it is business as usual. Our older son, Jack is the play factory and our younger son Tom is the one she loves to cuddle with.
She is a great family dog and has such an excellent temperament. I would have more if they weren't so hairy!
A friend of mine from Calgary, Katie O'Connor, may be inquiring after one of your puppies. I gave her your name and website.
Hi Judy Its Emily on my moms email. I just wanted to send you a picture of Oliver who is too cute when he sleeps. This picture was taken after I played outside with him all morning. He is a cheeky monkey but is learning the ropes pretty well. He didn't have an accident in his crate last night and he whined to go pee. Thanks for giving me a new part of our family. Please enjoy the pictures.
Hi Judy,
Molly's adapting perfectly. What a great little pup. Not one mess in her crate or house yet. She loves playing outside for periods of time, eating well and starting to come when called. She wasn't crazy about the crate the fist night but last night was fine and seemed to sleep until 7 am.
My daughter (in pink left holding Molly), her fiancé and her business partner are below, welcoming Molly. Robin says Molly looks like the Charmaine puppy, hence the toilet paper.
Dear Judy, Gracie is doing very well! She is a gorgeous girl and the kids are loving her! She is adapting well to our home. We have the food that you were using and she is eating well, sleeping well, and wagging her tail alot! She has a wonderful temperament!! How was Kentucky? Chris
Hello Judy just wanted to show you our Shelby (at last our Shelby) Story's daughter on her first birthday. She is the best dog and we love her very much. She is intelligent, beautiful and very loving.
Thank you for our best friend.
Thank you , I did get the registration papers in the mail today. Olivia is a gem ! We adore her. She is so smart ! She knows sit, come and is learning down ( by the second time, she did it ) , she knows halt and sits at corners when I walk her. I am so proud of her, and we start puppy classes next Wednesday !!!
I have a very strong feeling she will be more brilliant than my beloved Jessie. LOL
Finally decided on the name Brody. It's been a couple of days and Brody is adjusting wonderfully. When I can't get him outside due to this crappy weather, he goes on the Training pads and newspaper. He's also figured out Potty and Poop outside and Sit, which he gets highly praised for. Today was the first battle of Wills where Brody figured out there were neat cat toys upstairs after the first time he ventured. After many trips bringing him back down, I purchased this gate with a human walk through and cat walk through. Brody is not impressed, to say the least and he is voicing his displeasure. I have attached a few pics and hope to get some outdoor shots soon P.S. The chicken and pumpkin worked like a charm. Thanks.
Brody, enjoying his new home! Hi Judy, we got Jester's CKC registration papers. Thanks for forwarding them. Here is a recent photo of him. Except for a little bit of unwanted digging in the back yard, he is fitting in perfectly. He has literally stopped traffic both here at home and in Tobermory. One car actually pulled over to the side of the street to get out and see him. He is a stunning dog!
I'll send a better photo showing how big he is getting - we are at about 28lbs now. Not fat at all - just solid! He has also had a bath and we will be taking him to Wiarton to the vet at the end of this week or beginning of next for his shots.
Let me know if there is anything else. We will stay in touch as well!
Sara and Jester and family!
(he is currently napping right at my feet!) 
Hope all is well with you. I thought I would send you an updated picture of Boo. This was taken on the weekend. She hates to have her picture taken so I had to sneak one of her and it turned out well. She is such a sweetie. She was 8 in March. I always say she is the poster child of why a person should have a dog. We love her SO much :)
This is Zoboo, enjoying her Retirement home!
Dear Judy, We just wanted to pass along to you how happy we are with our big boy Dutch. He is just over 2 years old now and he is the perfect fit for our family. In the mornings he helps me go upstairs to get the kids out of bed. I just have to say, "lets get them up" and he knows where we are going. Getting awaken by a cold wet dog nose and kisses is better than mom shouting i guess? He is so calm and gentle when people come to the door, and he is wonderful with the zillion neighborhood kids that come by all the time. I have always had dogs including our last golden who was extremely excitable. It is so nice to hear the compliments from anyone who meets Dutch on how calm he is. He is one of us, and I can't imagine our lives without him. Thanks so much for all that you do - making the lives of families complete with your lovely goldens. Janelle Kruiderink
Hi Judy, I had to share these pictures of Wendy loving the snow! She is such a happy, cuddly dog. We absolutely LOVE her. Barb
This was sent December 15, 2013! Wendy was sold as an older girl! Judy, Merry Christmas! Mo is growing and is a very good boy. He's getting big and he's very handsome. Everyone that sees him loves him. Thought you would like to see how he's doing. I'm going to send a couple more pictures in another email. Hope all is well with you and your family and dogs. Have a joyous New Year filled with peace and happiness. Blanche, Ed & Mo

Hi Judy
Just wanted to let you know that I received Angels registration papers today. Thanks for sending them on. Angel is doing really well and we all love her. She is extremely gentle and well mannered (most of the time lol). She is very aware of others and when people are unwell etc. She has a quirk of licking the hand of anyone with the flu or who is under the weather. Everyone who sees her, talks a lot about how stunning she is and what a perfect Golden she is. I have attached a couple pics of her that were taken over the past few months. Feel free to share them!
Barb Chapman

Jaxon is a treasure. He is brilliant. He knows how to work mirrors. In the car, he stares at me in the rear view mirror. When I talk to him, he listens attentively. Staring at me in the rear view mirror. At home, blow drying my hair, he stares at me in the bathroom mirror. If I speak to him, he instantly looks up- not at my back but at my face in the mirror. I have never seen this through all my fabulous dogs. Jax is glorious. Jaxon also has been blowing bubbles in his water bowl. He then stares intensely. At the bubbles. Then blows again. He is fascinating. We all love watching him. He is not very good at recall in the off lead parks--but when you can get his attention (cookies are not that interesting to him-i always have lots and they are a so what)-he runs to you with absolutely wild joy. People stop and point and laugh---he brings joy to the frozen world. Jaxon is magic. He is still not as accustomed to getting kisses. He has not yet figured out how to snuggle into affection. He will. I think he didn't know that part of life. He gets a lot of it now, and he is firmly a treasured part of our lives. He tends to use his paws a lot if you move into kissing his adorable face and his pads can scratch. Poor soul. He was just not used to this. He'll get there. He is an adorable brilliant soul and loves being a part of the family AND an INDOOR dog! He now goes out to pee with much more confidence-as soon as he's done he gets in and gets a cookie. He is a very precious and very good boy. He has his daily off lead walks with his pack of 8 dogs, and loves that part of his precious little life. His walker also loves him and laughs her way into the house knowing that jaxon will be running and scrambling to get into the van. All is good judy. Jaxon is a treasure. Thank you so much for this absolutely glorious addition to our family. Best regards Zora
 Jaxon relaxing in Palm Springs! Had to send this one. He flies! Happy boy. Yet another picture of Jaxon in his home in Calgary! Hi Judy
Thought I would give you an update on Charlie who turns 2 on Mar 21st - we travelled down to Florida for the winter and he came with us. Charlie travelled well despite the long journey we had the first day. We have been down here for 10 weeks and will be coming back next week to the very cold winter you have been having up there. He has been enjoying long walks in the wonderful Floridian weather. We have a dog park in Spring Hill and he has made quite a few friends. When I look at the pictures of Story and her inclination to lie down in the water and on ICE her son Charlie... is exactly the same. Loves water... muddy water in particular LOL. We also take him to the local beach where there is a doggy party every Saturday morning and meet up with about 50 people and their dogs.. they love frolicking in the ocean and running along the sand together.
He is a wonderful dog with a strong personality and a huge part of our ever growing family.
Thank you for bringing him into the world and Story can be proud of him and his 8 brothers and sisters.
Kind regards,
Sharon Foster 
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Hi Judy, hope you are surviving this winter. Your girl,Sunshine, seems to love it! Only writing to be intouch, and keep you up on Sunshines progress. Shes perfect. Everything we'd hoped for. Except for her urges to excavate our yard, shes well behaved. 8.5 months old now. I m attaching a recent photo. Take care, spring is coming !!
Rob S Hi Judy,
I received the registration papers you sent yesterday. Thank you. Winchester is growing into such a big beautiful boy! He is so playful and loving and cuddly and showers us with lots of wet sloppy kisses every day. He is always smiling and is so eager to please us that it makes it easy to train him. John and I have a number of friends with dogs, most of them Labs or Golden Retrievers. We do a lot of socializing with Winchesters "friends" and he gets along with all of them so well. He has such a sweet nature and has become a very important member of our family. We just love him so much and can't imagine not having him around. I am attaching a few pictures I took yesterday while out for our daily walk at Memorial Park. I never have to leash him while on these walks as he always keeps me within sight! There are lots of trails to explore in the park and we walk/run them all. It is right on Georgian Bay and I can't wait until the ice melts and he can go for a swim. He has a fascination with splashing in puddles (and his water bowl...lol) so it will be interesting to watch him play in a whole lake! Thanks again Judy for this wonderful puppy. Your dogs are the best!!!
Sincerely, Deb Hartley
Hi Judy,
just thought I would send you the most recent pictures of Harley. I think he is looking as handsome as ever...
This last year, he has become very "talkative" -very funny .. From pigeon-like chirps to coyote-like howls.. and this spring, he is getting very stubborn... Here is a picture of him staging a "lie down" in the field as he doesn't want to leave after his walk on a spring-like day. Love him to pieces. Best dog ever. :)
Cheers, Sue .jpg)
We just visited your website to check out the activity which there seems to be a lot of!!! We've been busy also since we relocated "back" to NS. We live in a townhouse that is steps away from the Northwest Arm in Halifax - many dogs live here. Most days Angus tests out his swimming and retrieving skills (which we are still working on!). Angus is strong swimmer and enjoys taking his daily dip. We'll send you a photo. Judy - I can't tell you how many people ask me where I purchased Angus. He attracts a lot of attention and is a great marketing tool for the your kennel down here - I should be carrying your business cards. There is a lot of interest in his colour, size, and temperament. He is such a gorgeous boy, despite being the smallest of his litter. He is my constant companion and is a terrific snuggler!!! We started training last fall but couldn't complete it due to time constraints so we continue to work on the basics. We are considering doing training this fall or winter as I'd like to do some therapy work with him. We are gradually settling into our new life here in NS. I will send you some pictures for your testimonial page.
Jude is turning seven in a couple of days. He’s one of Mark and Lucy’s pups. I thought I’d drop you a note to give you an update. He truly is an amazing dog and loved by so many people. He is as loyal and kind as they come. A few years ago my mother had a stroke and spent several months at my house while recovering. Jude has slept at the foot of my bed since we got him. During that time my mother was sleeping in my living room; he would faithfully listen for her to get up during the night. When he would hear her get up he would go down stairs and watch her and wait until she was safely back in bed before he would return to the foot of my bed. He was also very concerned when the physical therapist came and would sit cautiously by her until she reassured him she was okay. For a time we fostered two dogs who eventually returned to their original homes. He loved having playmates around. We did get another dog of our own as he did seem to miss canine companionship so we got a Beagle puppy named Abby Lulu. He was absolutely amazing to her and helped pave the way for another great dog in our home! Today they are best friends. My now 12 year old son who was five when we got Jude is interested in duck hunting and would like to have a hunting dog. We suggested he try his hand at field trials. Can you give us any advice or good resources on how a young boy might get started? Is seven years too old to train for competition or actual field hunting? Jude does well retrieving and likes to bring us things in his mouth when we return home! I have been thinking about adding a new retriever but probably in another year or so. Any input would be appreciated. I have added several pictures that may not be the best but show how loving he is.
Hi Judy, My name is Susanne and we purchased a puppy from you way back in July of 2002. We named him Skylon Yukon Fischer and he is entering his 13th year. The past year he has slowed down quite a bit but his love is never ending. I just wanted to thank you for what you do and for allowing us to take Fischer into our home. He is the best dog I have ever known. His temperament and patience is beyond words. I guess as we get closer to the end we think about the beginning and how much he has enriched our lives. From a newly married couple buying a puppy to a big brother of 2 little girls and protector of us all. The breed has stolen my heart forever. I’m am glad to see that you still breed these amazing animals and I can guarantee that we will be back in the future. I just wanted to send you a quick picture of him from the summer. His smile in infectious…12 years young. He still looks like a puppy to me. Take care! Susanne Kalbhenn
Hi Judy I just wanted to thank you for our best friend. We purchased McGwire (Skylon Inning McGwire) from you in October 2000. Yesterday after 14 years of love he left us. He was a healthy happy dog right until the end. He was more than a dog he was our family.
Rebecca and Matt Fletcher
Merry Christmas, Judy!
We just thought we would write you a quick email to tell you how Lola (Skylon's Total Temptation) is doing. We absolutely love her! She is such a welcomed addition to our family.
She gets along well with our older English Cockers and is very friendly with the other family dogs that have come to visit her. My daughters have already taught her to come, sit, shake a paw and stand. She learns very quickly. We took her to the vet last Saturday for her second set of vaccinations and got tonnes of compliments about her temperament and look.
We are definitely looking forward to taking part in conformation classes with her in January. We are hoping to compete with her in the upcoming dog shows in Sudbury. We will definitely keep you posted!
I just wanted to thank-you so much for Lola. Here are a few photos of her that we thought you might enjoy.
Michelle, Danny, Alec, Cassie & Kierra Marquis
Hi Judy Marcus is great! He looks fit, happy, and beautiful! But I am a little prejudice!! lol
I make his food which he loves. I steam broccoli, carrots, apple, kale, pumpkin etc. and brown rice. I mix that with raw performance, pure chicken and bone finely ground. He loves it and I’m hoping it will extend his life.
Can’t believe that he is going to be 13 this year!!! His short distance eye sight is not that great so he doesn’t like stairs. Lucking we don’t have a lot of stairs on the main level. His hearing is also not as good but these things do deteriorate with age. We’re all felling that. lol He is a fast learner and thinks it’s his job is to suck up to al my customers….which they seem to love.
Here is a pic of him kayaking last summer at the cottage. He can swim but only when he has to so getting in the kayak with me made him a little nervous. He wants to be with me ever second so he just does what I ask. He’s like a kid…when he success with something new he is so excited.
How many dogs do you have now?

photos by Kathy Hagerman
Hi Judy,
I hope you are doing well. I'm just wondering if I could put my name in or come see you in the late spring as I see you have a couple of litters due in May and I'd like to get another dog from you.
I got my current dog Quinn from you 6 yrs ago. Before that we got our first dog Casey from you too in 1998 he died in 5 yrs ago. You have a magic touch with Golden's because they both are & were amazing animals. Quinn & Casey had 1 yr together before Casey died - they were great pair. I'd like for Quinn (and the rest of us) to have another dog to love.
Please let me know if it's possible or if you've already got the litters spoken for.
Thanks, Vikki Heald
I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to send along a picture of Rosie. It was taken last week for her grade 1 graduation from McCann. She did amazing getting all "excellent" on all skills tested. She's a super smart dog and so loving and gentle. She's been the perfect addition to our family.
Thanks again. Laura Stewart

Yes of course you can!!! We are always available for any referrals, references or anything else you may need. We've LOVED both goldens we got from you.
Thanks again for everything!!!
Hi Judy I noticed you had more puppies last week - congratulations! Just thought I'd send you a recent photo of Bentley. He's doing so well and fitting in beautifully with the family. He was at the vet last week for his vaccination - he's 26 lbs. Hope all is well with you. Sharon. > > .jpg)
I thought I would share a photo of our Bronte - reg Reflections of Bronte, she turned 11 today and this was taken on the weekend. She is doing really well. Very healthy and full of beans, people think she is 11 months. She travels to Algonquin with us and loves trail hiking everywhere. I had sent a friend of mine to you.
Sharon Foster, her dog is Charlie they were in Georgetown but have moved up to Minden. She wanted a dog just like Bronte LOL

Hello Judy, I hope all is well. I just wanted to touch base and let you know Shelby turned one year today! She is a really beautiful dog, so well natured and so much fun. She is an absolute joy to have in our family. We receive so many comments about her, not only how pretty she is but what a great personality she has. I have attached a couple of pictures so you can see how she turned out.
Kevin, Kathy, Kendra and Shelby
Hi Judy, Hope all is well with you. Lola is doing great. Thought you might enjoy some recent photos. Lola will be spending most her time at our camp on Manitoulin Island. We love her to pieces. She is so smart! Enjoy your summer! From, Michelle, Danny, Alec, Cassie & Kierra Marquis -- 
Attached is a picture of beautiful Callie taken this week on our vacation in Nova Scotia. Thought you'd enjoy seeing her.
She is an amazing pup. So much personality and we love her to death. We'd take a second if you come across one that is perhaps 6 months+. We're not sure we're ready for babyhood again yet since we are all working/in school.
What were the names of Callie's parents?
 Hi Judy
Just got River's purebred dog certificate in the mail today, thanks. River is a welcome addition to our family. She is calm and intelligent and has been quite easy to train. Almost 6 months she is over 40 pounds and a lean running machine. We go upto the forest almost everyday and she plays and runs with all the dogs she meets. Everybody knows River and loves her! Here are a few photos.

Hi Judy,
It's been a couple of years since we have been in touch and I hope that you are well. I wanted to give you a wee update on our beloved Hector, one of your wonderful dogs born 11 November 2012.
We moved back to Scotland in September this year and Hector of course came with us. We are living close to the small town of Elgin, in the county of Moray in north east Scotland. At the moment we are living in a very comfortable trailer because we are building a house on a 0.7 acre plot set in countryside with fields and forests all round us. Hector is loving his new home and has enjoyed exploring the forests and beaches close by.
Now, the main reason we wanted to contact you. Yesterday we made a trip that has been in the planning for two years. We took Hector and his wee brother Oscar to Guisachan House at Tomich. Guisachan house and estate were once owned by the Earl of Tweedsmuir, the gentlemean who mated a long haired retriever with a Tweed water spaniel and thus created the Golden Retriever breed. It was very meaningful to us to visit this location because Hector is our second Golden and we love the breed. Hector of course was not sure what it was all about but did enjoy his day out. I took a few photos of Hector at Guisachan House and in front of the memorial to the Golden Retriever and I hope you enjoy them.
As a footnote, our own tribute to the Golden is the fact that we have named our house "Guisachan".
All the best
Eoin and Gail MacDonald.
 Hi Judy,
I got your letter today with the kennel papers for Boomer. Thanks! His name was supposed to be Skylon's Zen Boomerang but you have it as Skylon's Zipper Boomerang. We like Zipper just as well so you can leave it as is.
Boomer is fitting it very nicely with our family! We love him and the girls can't wait to see him everyday when they get off the bus! He loves to chase the squirrels and leaves now that it is fall when we are out for our walks. Everyone who meets him comments on what a beautiful dog he is and how calm and relaxed he is for a puppy. He is very chill! With his temperament, I think he would have made an amazing service dog!
I have attached some pics for you. The top one is the most recent and was taken about 2 weeks ago. The third one is when he got into trouble for digging in our back yard after it had rained. I wasn't too happy with him and had to give him a good bath but it was too cute not to snap a pic! He is getting big and his longer fur is starting to come in. We are hoping to take him for his first grooming appointment towards the end of this month to get him used to it.
Hope all is well with you! Thanks again for this amazing addition to our family!
Sarah :)
Hello Judy,
I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to share a cute picture of Rosie. We have had her a little over a year now and we love her soooo much. She's an amazing dog and we get tons and tons of compliments on how beautiful and smart she is.
Thanks again for another great golden.
Merry Christmas, Laura, Jamie, Ruby, Georgia, Sylvee and Rosie.
 Hi Judy,
Just wanted to let you know that all is well with Sophie and she’s doing great! She just had her second set of booster shots yesterday so we’re getting closer to being able to take her on walks. This weather has been great for her playing outside though. She’s very adorable and we all love her so much. Here’s her official Christmas photo - and wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas!
Cheers Barb and Randy Dombroski
 Dear Judy, We are beyond thrilled with Fenway. He is one of the best things we have ever bought our girls. Fenway is a very smart and gentle dog who we love very much. He is going to grow up to be a behemoth - his paws and head are huge! Even our vet was impressed at how gentle and polite he is. He has recently started to channel his retriever heritage by bringing people presents (he loves to grab shoes that are lying around). You were right about male dogs - Fenway is very mischievous in front of us. He only barks when he is in the backyard trying to chat with other dogs. Fenway encountered snow for the first time recently - he tried to catch every snowflake. He was extremely funny to watch. Merry Christmas and All the Best for 2016!!! Fenway's Family

Just a quick note to say merry Christmas and all the best for 2016 from Jaxon by the pool in Palm Springs (his third year!) Jaxon is a treasured member of our family. He is a darling boy and consistently stops people in their tracks to stare in wonder at the worlds most joyful dog. He is the BEST at recall. When I call him he bounds to me in high speed and with extreme joy. He is something to behold. Leaves behind friends he is playing with. He is sweet and gentle and loving but most of all joyful. Excellent on road trips (loves them), comes with us to restaurants in Palm Springs (allowed on patios and some have "yappy hour"), loves hiking in the San Joaquin mountains above Palm springs (we hike daily). Regrettably he still likes chasing jackrabbits and uses his paws to get your attention. Otherwise an excellent boy. Doesn't beg, good at commands, affectionate, gentle, loving, great with all kids and babies and all dogs.... Just an excellent boy. I think he is rather smart. Figures things out quickly. Very quickly. Very funny. Can open cupboards. Loves being brushed including the tail and his teeth, great at the vet and being poked and prodded... Everyone loves him. His dog walker says he is her favourite. So good and sweet and so happy.
With many thanks, Zora
 Hi Judy,
Forrest is doing great. He is a confident pup and socializes very well with other dogs. At home he is very relaxed and likes to chill out and play in the fenced in yard. He has not really been into much mischief except for the hole digging in the yard. Now that we have snow we really don't mind as much ;)
He has been a wonderful addition to our family and brings us much joy!
Thanks again.
Marie (DVM)
P.S. we did receive his official papers, thanks!
 Hi Judy: Happy New Year 2016. Joan and I just wanted to let you know that the girls (Dessie&Ester -Lester) are doing really well. The large back yard has become their new domain (too much fun). We are now leash training 101. Dessie is doing well at it, Lester is coming along. As you know we have known you for well over 30 years and these 2 girls are a homerun. If they turn out like Stella we will be proud parents. Thanks again ,Joan & Brian

Hi Judy- Just thought I'd send you some pics of Harley. He's 9.5 years old now.. Still happy and handsome!
 Hi Judy; It is with a very sad heart today, that I email you. I felt that you should know. Our family member Shiloh (Skylon Montana Shiloh) passed away on Sat. Feb. 27, 2016. He was almost 15 years old. He was born on April 5th, 2001. His parents were Can. Ch. Skylon Talk of the Town and Skylon Heavenly Delight. We could not have asked for a better companion. His gentle nature, calm disposition, sense of personality, and love of life were just some of his many traits that we truly adored. He was so good with children, and other dogs. I know his 2 best friends (westies from next door will miss him dearly) They became such good friends that we created a doggie gate in the fence so that they could easily visit between our backyards. He had remarkable health and never had any issues up until the last year, where his back legs started giving out on him.
Thank-you again for providing us with a wonderful Golden Retriever. He will be deeply missed.
Bev Laking
Hello Judy!
Maggie continues to be such a joy and blessing to our family! She is definitely "home" now! Her adorable personality has come out and she makes us laugh every day! Our kids love to walk her and she loves to get muddy at the park when she's off-leash with me! We feel so fortunate to have found her and just love her to bits! Take care, Vanessa
 Hi Judy I wanted to touch base with you to let you know that Skylon Jean's Montesa (KS705806) born September 9, 2000 is alive and well. She is a miracle dog! She is a beloved member of our family. She shares her home with two Wheaten Terrior pups and a black cat called Swartzy. I have attached a picture of three of the clan. Tesa has been a wonderful addition to our family. She has had a very active, happy and healthy life. Two years ago she suffered a stroke and we thought that we were going to lose her. Amazingly, she bounced back. In spite of having two more since then, she just seems to keep clicking along. She still has a bounce in her step! We have been talking about perhaps bringing her to see you. If you would like us to do that, please let me know. Thank you for all of the wonderful years that Tesa has given us, Jean and Dan --
 Hi Judy, Received the CKC Certificate of Registration for Rooney today. Thanks! As you can see from the pictures, Rooney is thriving. She's a very sweet, mischievous, good-natured pup who has captured many hearts both young & old. I, of course, love her. We just came back from a walk at a nearby park - a good, safe area for training and recalls - and she was not interested in having her picture taken, so I placed her on a bed with a favourite toy. Rooney & I have been attending puppy classes and stay for puppy play afterwards. She enjoys both and is usually zonked by the time we head home. Hope all is well at Skylon. Cheers! Susan

Hi Judy, Just thought I would send you a few pics of Cash. We couldn't be happier with him. He is such an amazingly beautiful, kind, and smart dog. Mel and Mark
Hi Judy, I hope all is well. Bentley is an absolute joy, he's 21 months old now. My office just hosted a "Take your dog to work day" on Friday. He was outstanding here at our office of 200 people; he was just like a rock star. He loved all of the attention. Here are some photos of him that were captured that I thought you'd be interested in. All the best, Sharon
We have had the pleasure of experiencing two Golden Retrievers from the wonderful bloodline found at Skylon Kennels. The advice, knowledge and passion we felt from Judy made our experience complete. Our true joy was in receiving a healthy puppy, with such wonderful temperament that made him perfect for our family and lifestyle. Judy said she would pick the perfect puppy for us, and she delivered. We are now awaiting our third dog (that dates both us and Judy a little...LOL), and we would never dream of any other bloodline. There is something special about knowing that the new family member who is coming, is related to the one whom you loved so much and unfortunately lost to dog heaven. Thanks Judy, and we hope you will be able to celebrate 75 years as a breeder...this means we will all have you a little longer. The Dalcourt Family

These are a few photos of our newest addition. Cooper is our 4th dog from Skylon and we would NEVER go any where else. All of our dogs have been good natured , calm and absolutely wonderful. We have been extremely fortunate to have had these dogs from Judy and presently have two. The other two passed at ages of 13 and 14.
They are the best dogs and we love them dearly. Sending some photos of Willow who is 7 and our newest addition, Cooper.

Just wanted you to know how well Mickey( after Mickey Mantle a great Homerun Hitter) is doing. He is an amazing puppy, not only beautiful but also very smart. He loves to play! I swear he has grown since Saturday when we picked him up. Thank you for all of your hard work. Because of that we have this gorgeous puppy to love. We will keep you posted on his development.
Debbie and Christine Brown
hi Judy
Gamble is doing extremely well. He has slept through the night since day one. Not one accident in the house so far (at this point if he does it would be our fault for not paying attention). He is a carefree, confident puppy. He loves people and gets along well with other dogs. He is having a lot of fun playing outside in the snow. If he is tired he will go and lay down in his crate on his own. We are enjoying him immensely.

Linda has always had Viszlas, but this is her third Golden from me!
Hello Judy,
Merry Christmas and all the best for 2017! I hope you're well.
Brandy is a handsome delight and is loved by whom ever he comes into contact with! He's a godsend for our family.
I hope that things are well with you.
Today marks two weeks since Linda and Alison surprised me with Gamble! He’s terrific. He gets along well with the other dogs. He gets along well with people. We’ve been busy, with holiday visits, and with Alison’s two dogs. Gamble has been very busy. Yet he has done remarkably well. He seems to be very happy. He’s made very few mistakes inside the house. All have been my fault! We came up to our “cottage” yesterday. He made the connection very quickly to the routine for going outside and for where the dog beds and toys are inside! He seemed quite comfortable immediately. He acts like he has always been part of the family. Though he has been very busy, he also seems to very much enjoy quiet time when he and I get up in the morning before anyone else does. Even though he is agreeable and learns quickly, he evidently has a mind of his own! He goes off on his own or goes into his cage from time to time, content to play by himself for a while despite three dog playmates being close by. He has a real sense of fun to him. He has fun figuring out how to dive into snowbanks or push snow off of the deck to watch it fall. He likes having the dog basket be pulled around when he’s in it. He does not complain if I play Bach or Handel pieces that Linda does not like! He looks, of course, terrific. I love his colour and those dark eyes! Things could not possibly be going any better. I look forward to many years of fun together. Thanks very much.
Happy New Year!
Bob Watson

Hello Judith It has been many years since we last had contact. I bought the most beautiful male golden from you about 8 years ago and am pleased to report that he is doing wonderfully. My kids absolutely adore him as do we. I could tell from our contact that you care so much for your dogs. In that same vane, our family is conducting some research into getting a Bernese mountain dog and I was interested to know if you might be able to offer me a referral to a breeder that shares your passion. Thank you for this consideration and thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our family with one of your dogs.
Evan Krawitz (New Jersey)
 \ Hi Judy I received your letter the other day. Thank you so much. I'm sending you a photo of Cooper on his new bed. He loves it . It's his daytime bed. He gets crated at night. He loves his crate now. Goes in it when he wants quiet time. He has been a joy. Full of energy and SO SO SMART. Will continue to keep you posted. I found a new store near us that sells raw food for dogs. It's just opened in Ontario. They're from B.C. I bought a bag of frozen chicken necks. Perfect size for him and not expensive. He loves them. Still on TLC. The sutoship is wonderful. I give him the chicken like you told me to. Have a great day
Catherine Kolyn  I can't believe Mickey is 3 months old today. Thank you again. He is a wonderful puppy. I just thought I would catch you up on his progress. First though I wanted to share his Christmas picture with you. In the finished version to the right of him it said "Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse..."Even though Christmas is over I can't put it away.
He started puppy class last week and he loved it. He learns very quickly. He already knew how to sit (he taught himself that one). When we leave our kitchen to go outside we go through our enclosed porch, he always sits at at that second door before we go out. Maybe you taught him that? At class he learned down, stand, here, off and out. He's so happy. When he hears the words good boy his tail wags. He's been to the vet and had his shots. The first time he was 16.4lbs. Yesterday he was 22.4lbs. She said that he is a very healthy puppy and just beautiful. One of the other vets saw him for the first time yesterday and cried because she thought he was so beautiful. Congratulations on 2 more litters. When I saw Gamble's picture I knew right away that he's Mickey's brother. They look like twins and their personalities seem to be very similar. I received his papers in the mail today so now it's all official.
Debbie Brown

Good Morning Judy: Here is an update on Elly – she is obviously camera shy ! These were taken quite some time ago but I just got them because of Elly’s birthday. We love her to pieces – she is spoiled rotten with many walks in a day – to the park (not dog park) and down on the trails. I hope that all her brothers and sisters are doing well. This was sent from her puppy school class – she attends once a week to be socialized – not that she needs it – this one is extremely social. Loves dogs and people but is very very food motivated and possessive of her food. Hoping all is well with you – take care & Happy Family Day long weekend ! 
I just thought I'd update you on Mickey's progress. He's 5 months old today! The last 3 months have flown by. He is a happy, healthy puppy. He was 42.6 lbs last week. He has long legs. There for a couple of weeks he had lost so many teeth, he had trouble keeping his training treats in his mouth when he was at school. But now his adult teeth have come in and they are beautiful. He is so smart that everything he's learned at school was easy for him. He's a star pupil. He enjoys it so much that we are going to go to the next set of classes and maybe even do some agility this summer. When people talk abut Mickey the most common comment is that he's so calm. My reply is that it's all in the breeding. Since Mickey is my third golden from you I'm used to this. Keep up the good work and good luck with the litters you have coming.
Debbie & Christine Brown

Hi Judy,
Thought I would send a quick update. Just working away at my desk and Wilson has found a special place at my feet. He has been great - and is settling in. He seems very happy so far... and plan on keeping it that way.
Thanks again for the lovely pup! Carol

Yes he is safe and sound. The flight went well- he was quite whiney in his kennel but fell right asleep once he was taken out. No accidents which is amazing!
He is so calm and fitting in with Bella and mica already.
Thank you so much, he is absolutely perfect.
 Hi Judy! I hope this finds you and your puppies well. I wanted to send you a quick note to let you know how very well Kai is doing in his new home. He has been smothered in love from many people and has acclimatized well to the house without a single accident yet. I have attached a picture of him on his 8 week birthday :) Thanks again for the stunning puppy! 
Hello Judy, We just wanted to give you an update on Nacho; she is doing amazing! We took her up to the family cottage and she absolutely loves it! She is doing great with her training, she is very smart and learns quickly. She is getting so much attention and new experiences that she likes to have naps in the shade between all the fun. She is getting along with the entire family including our 1.5 year old niece and her 4 year old Labrador Retriever. We are so happy with Nacho and will keep you posted on her progress. Cheers, Zack & Stef 

Hi Judy, I have not contacted you in a while as things have always been busy for us, I hope that all is well with you and your furry friends, it seems like it was yesterday that Laura and I came to you and got our precious OLLIE . To date he has as always been a fantastic joy, love and companion to us all, as well as many many other people in the area and surrounding cities where to this day he is well known by name. It is with great sadness that I must say that OLLIE is coming to the end of his wonderful life with us, I am so upset as I write this, it is ripping us apart, we were at the Vets today as he has been failing badly, not eating for days, unable to go to the bathroom and he has extreme kidney failure, his heart problems with fluid build up on his heart and lungs, he is not in pain, but is very weak and is now always sleeping, very lethargic, I don’t know what we are going to do when he leaves us, he means so much to us. He is going back to the vet tomorrow so they can try to give him something to try to get him eating something, but that may cause his heart to give up. I know that you always wanted to know how your puppies have made out, he has so far had the best of everything, 1st class immediate medical care and lots of love and care, its so sad to see him failing, so we are hoping to get a little more out of our darling OLLIE and I can only hope to give you some good news in the near future, David & Laura Mungall
Hi Judy, I have just this moment got back home and It is with great sadness that when I awoke today after a few disturbed hours sleep I was distressed by Ollies condition as it was apparent he was failing badly and although was not in apparent pain was physically struggling. I made the immediate decision at the vets office appointment at 1130 that it was time to let this wonderful darling go, so at exactly 12.00pm Ollie was put to sleep. He went peacefully in the back seat of my car on his seat blanket, looking directly into my eyes with me holding his baby head in my hands and hearing my voice letting him know that he was adored and loved and that he will be missed by us and a lot of people. The Vet who has looked after Ollie all of these years thanked me for making that very difficult decision as he knows how close Ollie Laura & I are together, he told me that it was an honor treating Ollie and being there to help him pass on to another adventure where he will not have all of his ailments. I drove to N&T cremation services and held his paw all of the way letting him know that we loved him so much and will miss him dearly. I stopped on the road before the crematorium and said my last goodbyes to our darling and hugged and kissed him. I helped get Ollie out of the car and accompanied him to the crematorium and at exactly 1.00pm Ollie was cremated. I again said goodbye to him and told him that he was loved and will be missed and left. I will collect his ashes tomorrow and they will be kept until Laura & I can join him and we will be buried together. He was a wonderful companion and was 12 and a half on 1st June 2017, he will never be forgotten by us, he was really a fantastic darling and companion and never once in his life did he show an aggressive moment, Thank you for allowing us the honor of having this wonderful dog and all the unconditional love that he gave us right up to the end. Thank you again for your very kind reply in these very difficult times and unfortunately Laura left to go to Vancouver for the day and left early this morning so she does not know that Ollie is gone so I will let her know tomorrow and thank you for your offer to send us another, I know that it will be just as loving and innocent as our Ollie has been, that will hopefully soften the blow for her knowing that you care so much about us, Thank you again so much for all of your support, David & Laura Mungall
Hi Judy,
Just wanted to let you know we have decided to call her Maya. She is wonderful - loves the back yard and hanging out with us. She sleeps in her crate at night - a bit fussy the first night and pretty good last night. I found out that if I cover the crate she sleeps much better. She has done her business outside and no accidents. She is very calm and very interested in everything and very playful. I am adding a few pictures for now and will add more in the near future for you. We are all in love with her. Thank you so much for helping us have a wonderful new friend and family member in our lives.
Best Regards,
Ginette and Chris Doucette

Hi Judy!
Just wanted to let you know that we received Teddy's papers in the mail last week- thanks for sending them.
Teddy has been such a joy to have, he has such an incredibly calm temperament and loves to nap. He has been doing very well with training and is learning and growing quickly.

Hi Judy,
I hope all is well!
We love our little boy and he has brought so much joy to our lives! He has so much energy, loves to swim, and has a lot to say!

Her name is Macy so for her registered name we would like “Noble Macy”. She is such an amazing puppy, we are so happy with her! Thank you for all of your hard work! Here’s a photo of her.
 Hi Judy,
We’re so happy with our new puppy! He is doing well and getting comfortable with his new environment.
As for the name, we suggest to call him “Novelty” since the name needs to start with the letter “N”.
We’ve named him “Chado” as his family name.
Attached is his picture after 4 weeks with us.

Hi Judyy
Things are going well with Duncan. He's interested in everything and phased by nothing.
I tried gardening with him one day. His idea of help was to dig up what I had just planted. He had his first boat ride. He preferred cuddling with me better and slept through it. We had a neighbourhood gathering so I took him to show him off. He was a hit!
We're also making progress on the house training. No indoor accidents for 3 days. He's basically going on command outside and to be safe, we go out frequently. Even better, he likes to sleep in in the morning.
This a picture of him sleeping. He sleeps in the oddest and most uncomfortable positions. He slept in a bowl last night.
Fyi I was looking at your website and pictures of Gulliver. He was an extremely handsome dog. I can see where Buddy got his curls from. Hope Duncan takes after him.
Hope his brother is doing well.
Hi Judy,,
Just wanted to say thank you again. We have another gem here.
Ellie is great, loving, playful and very eager to learn. She picked up house training quickly and other than the first night, sleeps all night quietly in her cage.
She loves Chloe and Chloe loves her, very gentle with her. It is very cute to see.
We could not have asked for 2 better members of our family.
Thanks again ! Doug
I got Sidney's papers, thank you.
We haven't had any more issues with her and bones or anything aggressive. She is the sweetest most loving dog. Honestly she is so smart, she rings a doorbell to go outside, knows all her commands and is just a lovely dog.
We are very happy and couldn't imagine life without her.
This is Mickey's 1 year old picture. What a beautiful boy he is. He's still so happy and well behaved. There is no where we can't take him. Everyone that meets him can't believe how gentle and calm he is. He still goes to school every week. His class has been together since they were puppies and they review their training but can't wait to play together when class is over. This year has flown by. I hope all's well with you. Thanks again.
As always feel free to share. I share your good name and your kennel with everyone who asks me about Mickey. I still find it amazing that after all these years and all of the litters that you have bred, The dogs are still the same. With the 3 boys I've had from you they are like peas in a pod. Their temperament is identical. There isn't a mean bone in their bodies. They are soooooo smart and very easy to train. We take Mickey everywhere we can and people always comment on how calm and well behaved he is. I wish it was like France, where dogs are allowed everywhere. Because of your hard work we have this beautiful dog to love. Keep up the good work.
Hi Judy,, Dexter is doing very well adjusting to his new home! He is super playful but really calm at the same time! He is doing well with sleeping in his crate and is definitely getting the hang of going pee and poo outside. He is doing well with his routine. I have attached a couple pictures.
Thanks again!

Hello from all of us! I hope you’re well, Judy. Today is Brandy’s birthday and take a lot at how handsome he is!!
Warm regards, Nami .jpg)
Hi Judy: It was great! He was calm and very loved. There will be many of these little visits and I will send you some post worthy pictures soon! Take Care, Lesley 
On National Puppy Day I thought I would write to give you an update on Henry
We are so in love with his gentle playful personality. We get so many comments on what a beautiful well behaved puppy he is . He is still learning to get along with the cat however they tolerate each other like siblings :)
I have attached a few pictures
 Dear Judy: we got the registration papers thank you. Our boy is doing great! We have been going to basic training school on Saturdays. I love this picture I took of him last month. Use it if want. I will send more pictures soon. Take Care, Lesley and Bruce

Hi....happy dog having his favourite beach walk with me and Thomas!! Getting a little love from Sophie!! Warm sun and clear blue skies every day🌞🌞 hard to take!! See you soon..... Valerie
.jpg) Thanks for the most wonderful little puppy. She impresses everyone she meets!
.jpg) Hi Judy,, I have received the papers. Thanks a lot. Dexter is doing great. He is turning in to such a well behaved boy. I have attached a few recent pictures. Thanks, Andrew
Here’s some photos from our little man. He’s doing great and we love him! Let us know if you need anything else.

I wrote a couple of months ago about our Riley. Just wanted to let you know we made the difficult decision to have him put down last week. His legs were so weak he couldn't get up in the middle of the night and would cry for help to get up. He was slipping and tripping over his hind legs even after just a 5 minute walk. He would have been 15 this August. Other than his arthritis and degeneration of his spine he was in perfect health. Right up until he end he was still looking fo cookies and treats at the vet clinic. Our house isn't the same. We got him from you 7 weeks after we got married and he was born the day of our wedding.
Thank you for trusting 2 young 25 year olds with your puppy 14 years ago. We miss him terribly. I've attached some pics of our last day with him.
Bronte (Reflections of Bronte) is 14 today, this is her and I last week at Algonquin Logging Museum taking our annual photo in the window. She is doing awesome just some arthritis in the ankles but everyone thinks that she is younger just look at her. So much life and her personality hasn’t changed, same crazy girl with personality. Just wanted to share. Hope all is well. Teresa and Pat Martin, Oakville
Hi Judy, Well it has been a while since I contacted you, it is Nelsons birthday today, he is 1 year old today July 11th 2018 and he is just adorable, I have enclosed some photos, he went swimming today for the first time, he was very hesitant but with a little coaxing and me in the water with him he swam a little, baby steps. He has turned into a big boy , not fat at all, very athletic, a good eater ha ha , he is loved and adored tremendously throughout the areas and is well known, he is doing fantastic but still has his moments, but don’t all puppies. He is a wonderful companion and playmate and fills in for Ollie with all his love and playfulness, so again thank you so much for all you have done for us and as I said before rest assured that he will always have lots of care and love just as Ollie did, Best regards, David, Laura & Nelson
Good morning Judy,
I apologize for the delayed email as we spoke last Saturday regarding our beloved dog, Hogan, that has passed a little over a week ago.
As per our discussion, we are not ready just yet to adopt another retriever, however, we are open to the fall (October/November) and are looking for another male with hopefully Mark's lineage, as Hogan was one of Mark's puppies and was a beautiful boy. Please see attached photos of Hogan. We are open to giving a deposit as we know in our hearts that we want another Skylon puppy.
Thank you for giving us the most wonderful dog that gave us pure love and joy for many years. He will forever live in our hearts and memories.
Thank you,
Sandy and Cole Giannetti
Just a note to let you know that we enjoyed our puppy Indy for close to 13 years. Aug 30, 2005 was is birthday. He was the best boy. He loved everything and everyone. He came to camp with us, fishing and chasing frogs. He travelled to horse shows this year and made everyone fall in love with him too. He had the sweetest face and biggest head! He brought us so much joy. We are heart broken. I'm taking a break from the dog world as this has hit us very hard. I will likely contact you again in the future. Just wanted to share a few pictures.

Hi Judy Giving you an update on Cooper. Absolutely loving him. Thought I would send you some photos. Thank you for giving us this great dog. We also had 3 other dogs from you who were wonderful. Cooper with the hat is him being sun safe. HaHa!
I want to say thank you for the last 15 years with my Keisha. She passed away 1 month shy of her 15th birthday. She developed a tumor in May and hung around for 2 months. Even in her last few weeks she still swam and played. It breaks my heart that she is no longer with us and I can definitely say she has been an amazing companion. Grateful to have Stella and Rosie from Jill as they have helped with our loss. Again thank you so much..
Hi Judyy
Hope this find you well.
Thought you might like to see a picture of Duncan on his 1st birthday today. He's doing very well and still growing nicely. He's becoming quite a strong swimmer. I had hoped to take him to the beach for his birthday but it's been stormy here all day. We've done two levels of obedience training and he did well. I think we'll do it again once he matures a bit more.
How is his brother Peter doing? I see on your website he's won at some shows already.
Take care Alison
Hi Judy
My name is Stacey. My husband and I purchased a gorgeous golden from you 13 years ago, his name is Bosco. Bosco is doing great and still in good health at 13 years old....and honestly the best dog! He is amazing with our 8 and 6 year old. I know Bosco won't be with us forever (heart breaking) and I already know there is no way we could live without a dog in our home.
I understand you don't have a wait list now but rather accept deposits. I'm curious to know if you have any litters for next year planned 2019? I wouldn't want to get a puppy while we still have Bosco because I think that would be too much for him at his age....but I am curious how many litters you typically do in a year?
Thank you for your time! I hope all is well with you. I have attached a few pictures of our Bosco, celebrating his 13th birthday etc.
Hi Judy I hope you are well
We cannot believe that Henry will be 1in a few short weeks. He has brought so much joy to our household over the past year. He is a kind loving boy and is so great with our kids
A little update Oliver is now 19 weeks, 45lbs and in perfect health He is SUCH a great puppy, he has an amazing temperament and he’s very smart. He started obedience training and is rocking it! Thank you so much for this joyful addition to our family we all really love him!

Hi Judy. My apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I can't thank you enough for thinking of me when Jack was returned. He's a gem!! My perfect dog. He's so laid back and such a joy. I can't thank you enough.
HI Judy::
Wanted to let you know that we have received Abby's registration papers....I've attached a couple of new pictures of her with her new best friend.....She's learning every day and she's a really good girl. We love her little happy dance that she does before each meal.....We absolutely love her!
Thanks for such a beautiful little girl...
This is Asher with Cierra! Pictures say it all!!
Hi Judy, On Rexy’s first birthday, here is a collage of his 12 months... he has grown up to be a very handsome big boy... Thank you for everything again... he is immensely loved and cared for at home and his love for us is so unconditional... We love having him...
Thank you
We purchased our beautiful Payton from you on November 1, 2007 and our lives were changed forever. Payton was our family, she was the perfect friend and companion. Her demeanor was incredible, she was the best dog ever. We were always being complimented on her and were quick to tell people where we purchased her and how well bred she was.
Hi Judy,,
My husband and I wanted to send you a quick note to say thank you for our wonderful golden. We have one of your dogs and she is on her way to 16 and really doing remarkably well. She swam all summer long at our cottage, her legs are a bit unstable now but she is bright eyed and still has her amazing personality. She has been the love of our life and we thought you would be pleased to know how well one of your dogs is doing. I hope others are having as amazing an experience as we have had.
Ann & Ryan McNeill
Rex has fully recovered and is better than ever before!!! Knock on wood! Thanks for following up. He is off his meds and I’m taking him for a repeat test just as a precaution and to ensure that he doesn’t have any infection left.
It has been a few years since I sent you an undate on Angel who will be 6 om Jan 21! Where has the time gone? Thought I would just let you know that we still think the world of her. She is a sweet kind dog with lots of energy. She is still very sensitive to those who are unwell and super around those with assistive devices and wheelchairs. She has a natural ability to understand how to behave around children, those with disabilities and the elderly. I regularly take her to visit those with developmental and physical challenges and she is just amazing with everyone. She loves our cats too and truly enjoys life. I attached a couple pics for you as well. Enjoy!
Good Evening Judy!
Our little Puppy number 4 has a name and is doing amazing! No accidents yet! He sleeps so well in his crate and has just been an absolute dream! We have chosen to name him “Unapologetically Perfect Bentley”.... or Bentley for short :).

Hello Judy, The official name with a U would be UR Atlas Hagrid Eagen. Atlas is adjusting very well and we’re very happy with him! Here’s a picture of him with Mackenzie (the golden my parents got from you 13 years ago). Thank you!
Hi Judy Just wanted to say that every thing is going great with Cedar. She is now sleeping through the night and walking 2 km a day. Growing so fast.

Hi Judy, Our little puppy is the greatest Thank you! We are in love ! His name is Haggard .(after the great Country legend Merle Haggard) It stuck and we love it .. so does he ❤️ His full official name is Ursus (meaning “Bear”) Haggard the Rambler
Hi Judy! It is Kai’s (Skylon’s Kamikaze Kreature) second birthday today so I wanted to update you on how he’s doing! I could not be any happier with Kai. He is the absolute best dog everyone in my family has ever met. He is absolutely my favourite thing in the world and my best friend ever! He is everything you promised us, and no one could be any happier with him in any way! We absolutely love your line of dogs! Thank you so much. Above, I attached a few photos of him so you can see his growth so far!
Thank you again, Sydney

Hi Judy,
I was just thinking how great a dog Henry was the other day and I thought I would share.
He's 10 now and we have a new daughter. He is so good to her. She does feed him table food so he gets some benefit from their relationship!
I thought I'd share this picture of Mr. Henry and Rayna enjoying Easter.
Hi Judy just an up date Cedar. She is growing like a weed sooo smart and the best behaved puppy ever. ❤️🐶

Hi Judy,
We got Jalapeño from Skylon in September 2017. Today we were at a small local dog park and we ran into 2 other Goldens, with separate owners, that were also from Skylon born in about September 2017. Jalapeno, Willy and Dexter are all from Skylon! It was unbelievable!
They are all good and handsome boys, and the 2 that were what we think are brothers really look alike.
Everyone is very happy with their beautiful, cuddly Skylon golden. So I thought I would share with you some pictures of them meeting:

I meant to send this last week but forgot. Bronte had her 15th birthday May 21 and is doing really well we have her on bone broth for her sensitive tummy and omega 3 and glucosamine for her joints. I have referred you again to Debra Usher she said she is taking Elvis and sent me photos. His mum looks like Bronte. Anyhow these were taken on her birthday hope all is well. Teresa, Pat and Bronte Martin
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Here is our beloved Tex. We purchased him in August of 08. We are interested in, either a puppy, or an older dog that you are offering for adoption. We live in San Antonio, TX now. Please let us know who is available! By the way, Tex has been the BEST dog we have ever had. He is super sweet, and the star of the neighborhood. He travels to the Texas Hill Country and enjoys swimming in the beautiful Guadalupe River. He has been extremely healthy. We couldn’t love him more!
Beth Bryan .jpg)
It was a birthday paw-ty at the Healey household!
Asher: one year old!
We checked the list and the food we had been giving to Oakley is not on the list (phew!). We also don't give any of these foods to Finley, we been purchasing TLC online from the link you gave us.
By the way, Finley is doing great - definitely a different dog than Oakley, don't know how, but he thinks he is human even more than Oakley did haha. He will be 3 this coming October :) I've included some recent pics from April and June - you definitely breed beautiful dogs!!
Anyways, hope all is well!  (797x800).jpg)
Hi Judy
Everyday we spend with Elvis we realize how lucky we are that he landed with us. He is the perfect farm dog. Always on the heels of one of us. He is never more than 5 feet away. He respects the horses, loves the cat, Just discovered we have a pond and is learning to swim confidently. Here is a picture from the other night. He loves to lie in the middle of my lesson and help me coach.
Will send more updates as we get them
Wanted to reach out and let you know that Elvis is by far the best dog we have ever had. As you know we have had 2 previous goldens as well as 3 lab service dogs. We have also dog sat for many and none of them even come close to being as great as he is. Everyone in our family is madly in love with him. He is a perfect fit on the farm. Always right beside one of us. He never gets in the way of the horses and waits patiently at the edge of the riding arena for me to finish coaching as he is not permitted in the arena while the children are riding. He is respectful in every way of everything we ask of him. His temperament, confirmation and IQ are of the highest quality. Well done Judy in breeding such a fine golden retriever
Let me know if you want a picutre Teresa.
Hello Judy,
It’s been 15 years since I brought home Skylon Valentine Abby, born Sep 29, 2004.
I wanted to let you know that she passed away on Oct 11, 2019, after celebrating her 15th birthday. She was diagnosed with lymphoma.
Our hearts are shattered and the void in my life is unbearable but I’m so happy I got 15 years with her. I will own a Golden again.
Thank you for breeding Abby and her siblings. Adrianne
Good morning Judy. Here’s a few photos of the boy after the snowfall a week ago. Growing fast and adorable.... of course with a little mischief ☺️ And loves the country life. We couldn’t remember the timeline for changing his feeding schedule to twice a day and starting it today. Is six months roughly the time? Thank you again and will keep updating you with pictures and writings....
Tyler,Beth, and Natalie Butler

Today is Brody’s 7th Birthday. Still healthy and fit. Love him to the moon and back. 
She is doing GREAT! Cheers Lesley 
We just landed. He did great. Couldn’t be better!
He’s happy on my daughter’s lap.  
Hi Judy,
Here are some pictures of Jersey (Duke of Jersey - son of Gulliver and Bets) born January 2, 2009.
Two snow pictures were from December 2017 (the red ball and the close up). The one inside is from August 2019. The one in the forest with all the trees was last week. He is just the BEST! We love him so much. He really is an amazing companion and is doing really well! A little slower to get up and not loving stairs but I can’t blame him lol 
Hi Judy
Millie is fantastic, 2 weeks at our house. She loves to help Dave build the quinzee and play hockey with the boys. 
The girls are doing wonderfully. Luna immediately "adopted" Piper as her mommy, and Piper is very happy to have a playmate and cuddle-buddy. Luna grows more confident every day - she is clearly a smart little girl, and we look forward to teaching her lots of things. She is mostly sleeping through the night in the crate. Housebreaking is a work-in-progress... she is happy to go outside, but she's also happy to pee inside whenever we're not looking! Still, good progress for only one week.
We took her to our longtime vet on Friday for an introductory exam. The doctor was very impressed with what a healthy, sound puppy she was. We gave her copies of your vaccine and de-worming records.
I've attached some photos of our happy family! 
He is doing great, we have named him Cooper
He is a perfect fit for our family 
Look how big our girl is getting! She's a great dog. Smart, curious, brave, and very funny. We love her low-pitched grumbles and groans when she has something to say to us. She and Piper are keeping us entertained and sane while we're stuck at home.
Jason, Ann, Piper, and Luna  
Harvey continues to do well. He's a very sweet little boy who we are loving getting to know. Sleeping through the night isn't an issue at all for him. Since this second night home he has slept without waking or crate accidents from about 11:30/12:00 until 5:30/6:00 every day! He still pees in the house from time to time but is getting the idea to go to the back door for yard access. Our weather has been absolutley terrible for the past few days! No sensible outside playtime but here are a few of my favorite pictures from naptime over the past week.
Hope all is well with you!

Hi Judy, sending a few more pics.. Cooper is doing great!!
He is super friendly and loveable. Lays on my lap at night watching TV with me. The most affectionate dog we have had. He is also SO smart. I find Willow is now a lot more affectionate than she use to be. So glad to have them

Reflections of Bronte turned 16 last Thursday 💗🐾 enjoyed pasta and chicken her favorite and frozen yogurt for breakfast. She is known as the neighborhood mascot and the oldest in the hood. So happy to have her in our lives
Oh he’s amazing, we adore him!! He certainly keeps fit with the property we have. Always checking the ribs and feels right. Is it roughly the one year mark where they stop growing, or a few months more? A beautiful big cuddly boy!! 
Hi Judy,
Just wanted to send you a new picture of Mickey. He's 3 1/2 now and has grown into such a handsome boy! He's so smart and well behaved and loving every minute of Covid. Working from home is definitely Mickeys ideal scenario. Please feel free to share.
Hi Judy, Hope all is well and your family is staying safe. We received Hogan’s papers today. Thank you. He is doing really well. He’s getting big! He is such a joy and so smart. He learned sit in one day. He has been going outside for a while now. He is at the gangly stage. Lot’s of energy and the puppy bites have now turned mostly to puppy kisses. Callaway and him are evolving. It’s a funny relationship to see. I think Callaway is finding him less annoying but Hogan won’t back off. He is much better now. He understands off. The other day Mark was walking them around the property and I guess Callaway felt that Hogan was too close to the creek so he barked at him and Hogan came back. Hogan sits at the back door and waits for Callaway to come back inside. They are so funny. The only thing of contention is toys. They both have a ton but inevitably Callaway wants what Hogan has so we supervise.
Thank you so much for both of them they make our lives better every day! I’ve attached a picture I took a couple of days ago. Once Hogan gets bigger Mark and I will be sitting on the floor. Lol Take care. Stay safe.

Hi Judy, I received the registration papers, Thor is doing great and he is growing so fast! Thank you, Avery

Just sending you a photo of my lovely fellow out for a walk on the lake and climbing the Island across from our home. Hi Judy,
I hope you are well! I want to send you an update on Ozzy. We adopted him from you from your June 28th litter from Whoppie and Oz. He's the absolute best dog! Happy, healthy, and so so smart! He's integrated so well into our family :) My boys Kevin and Nick adore him. And Ozzy is a lucky pup, because not only does he get the run of my house and yard...but he now has a cottage up north where he loves to run and play! Can't wait until the summer when he can swim in the lake! For now, he enjoys the space, the snow, and plays so well with the neighbourhood dogs! I'm so so happy we chose a golden retriever. He loves all people and other animals. He is so gentle and kind, and such a loving companion. He even likes my cats! Couldn't ask for a better dog :) Thank you so very much for this amazing addition to our family. Hope you are well!
Attaching a pic of Ozzy at the cottage.
Oh...he's very good off-leash and so disciplined. Never leaves our side :)
Take care,
Hi Judy, I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. Benji just turned 2 (Jan 5th) and thought you might like an update. He is such a great part of our family! He’s so calm and has such great manners. He is wired to be kind. All my friends like to have Benji around. We walk him off leash and unless he hears the words ‘all done’, he stays in heel position. Such a dream! He also reads and plays with other dogs so well. Thank you! We feel very lucky! Thank you! Karen, Andy, Ryan, Caitlin and Hayley

Hi Judy, I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. Benji just turned 2 (Jan 5th) and thought you might like an update. He is such a great part of our family! He’s so calm and has such great manners. He is wired to be kind. All my friends like to have Benji around. We walk him off leash and unless he hears the words ‘all done’, he stays in heel position. Such a dream! He also reads and plays with other dogs so well. Thank you! We feel very lucky!Thank you!Karen, Andy, Ryan, Caitlin and Hayley
Our beautiful Bronte went to heaven yesterday, tomorrow will be her 17th birthday. She had a great life, strong will and determination. We will truly miss her. She was the best part of our lives. I just wanted to let you know. If you are still in the business in a couple of years we may give you a call but for now after having goldens in our lives for 27 years of our 28 years of marriage we are going to take a break and travel a bit. Take care, Teresa and Pat Martin

Hi Judy!
I just wanted to touch base and update you on Honey and Jenny - hope all is well with you.
Honey just turned 14 is definitely slowing down but still seems to be fine - has just some back end difficulty getting up - but so do I!
Jenny is a ball of fire but is a very sweet and sensitive dog. She wants to say hello to everyone and they all comment on how friendly and cute she is. She just finished her second heat.
Question: It looks like Jenny is going to be noticeably smaller than Honey - and she doesn't have the Gulliver wavy curls like Honey has. She's a year and a half - would she have reached full size by now? Was her Mom Jenni a smaller golden?
And just a reminder to keep me in mind when you are ready to retire Jenni.
Thanks and have a great day.
Hi Judy My name is Susan McClure, and the attached photo is of Lincoln. We were the proud owners of Lincoln for 13 years. His registered name was Skyon Yours Forever [DOB Nov 11 2006] . We acquired Lincoln in March of 2007 - when we reached out to you for a puppy. We came to choose a puppy, and as he had been a return puppy, he chose us. And for that we are forever grateful.
To jog your memory, my mum and dad, Carol and John Rajari, were your trailer neighbours at Pinehurst until the summer of 2020.
This past June, with many broken hearts, Linc passed. There are still many days when a memory brings a tear... to my gang.
While we are aware of wait lists, and the increasing desire to have puppies, we would like to be considered for another puppy.
Please let us know, about procedure, and add us to your puppy waitlist. We know the wait is worth it.
Look forward to hearing from you,
Susan McClure Cell 905-379-1068
> Hi Judy > > Happy New Year. I hope 2022 treats you well. > I thought I would send you a photo of our beautiful Farley, who is a very loving member of our family. He is happy and healthy and growing so quickly. He housetrained very quickly, knew immediately to go outside and is doing great with puppy training classes. He loves to meet and play with other dogs and of course our kids keep him busy. He is a wonderful family dog. > > Thanks again for everything along the way. All the best this year. > > Karyn Torcoletti
Hi Judy,
Finn is doing great! In this picture he’s checking out the geese that have landed in the creek behind our home. I think he’s not sure what to make of these noisy birds.
Hi Judy Just an update, Caitte has been a wonderful addition to my home, she is loving, so smart, she has a great temperament and so easy to train.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to purchase one of your dogs.
Arnie Pedersen